
Spread material effectively and efficiently with the
R600C Mechanical Aggregate Spreader
The Rivinius R600C aggregate spreader by DoMor Equipment is the only road building attachment that gives you the ability to accurately spread rock or other material from 10' 6" to 16' wide and 2" to 22" deep. For over 30 years the R600C spreader box has helped contractors and municipalities reduce aggregate spreading expenses and deliver superior results in less time. The "Rock Box" aggregate spreader is the easiest, fastest way for construction companies or road maintenance crews to spread gravel or base for levees, airport runways, rural road or highway construction, and any job requiring quick and efficient dispersal of material.
The R600C is the perfect construction aggregate speader for a multitude of projects requiring a mechanical spread for base materials. Specified by the Army Corp of Engineers, the R600C box spreader eliminates waste in projects by providing quick and efficient spreading of materials.
The Universal Hitch Group allows for the spreader box to be quickly attached to almost any dozer blade. The R600C is the most effective non-permanent sub-base and base spreading attachment on the market. Much like the older Jersey Spreaders, the DoMor/Rivinius R600C can handle all of your spreading needs. Find out how many others have been saving money while spreading aggregate for over 30 years!